M. Avesani1, G. Foletto1, M. Padovan1, L. Calderaro1, C. Agnesi1, E. Bazzani1, F. Berra1, T. Bertapelle1, F. Picciariello1, F. B.L. Santagiustina1, D. Scalcon1, A. Scriminich1, A. Stanco1, F. Vedovato1, G. Vallone1, and P. Villoresi1
J. Light. Technol. 40 (6), 1658 – 1663 (2022)
1Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, via Gradenigo 6/B, 35131 Padova, Italy
Current technological progress is driving Quantum Key Distribution towards a commercial and world widescale expansion. Its capability to deliver unconditionally secure communication will be a fundamental feature in the next generations of telecommunication networks. Nevertheless, demonstrations of QKD implementation in a real operating scenario and their coexistence with the classical telecom infrastructure are of fundamental importance for reliable exploitation. Here we present a Quantum Key Distribution application implemented overa classical fiber-based infrastructure. By exploiting just a single fiber cable for both the quantum and the classical channel and by using a simplified receiver scheme with just one single-photon detector, we demonstrate the feasibility of low-cost and ready-to-use Quantum Key Distribution systems compatible with standard classical infrastructure.