Recent preprints
- Hybrid encoder for discrete and continuous variable QKD
M. Sabatini, T. Bertapelle, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone, M. Avesani
Preprint available online: [2408.17412] (Aug. 2024) - A Passive and Self-Characterizing Cross-Encoded Receiver for Reference-Frame-Independent Quantum Key Distribution
M. Giacomin, F. B. L. Santagiustina, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, C. Agnesi
Preprint available online: [2408.17304] (Aug. 2024) - A time-to-digital converter with steady calibration through single-photon detection
M. R. Bolaños W., D. Vogrig, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone, A. Stanco
Preprint available online: [2406.01293] (Jun. 2024) - In-Field Comparison between G.652 and G.655 Optical Fibers for Polarization-Based Quantum Key Distribution
C. Agnesi, M. Giacomin, D. Sartorato, S. Artuso, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Preprint available online: [2312.04203] (Dec. 2023) - Low-error encoder for time-bin and decoy states for quantum key distribution
D. Scalcon, E. Bazzani, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, M. Avesani
Preprint available online: [2311.02059] (Nov. 2023) - Intermodal quantum key distribution field trial with active switching between fiber and free-space channels
F. Picciariello, I. Karakosta-Amarantidou, E. Rossi, M. Avesani, G. Foletto, L. Calderaro, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, F. Vedovato
Preprint available online: [2310.17441] (Oct. 2023) - Geometry of sequential quantum correlations and robust randomness certification
M. Padovan, G. Foletto, L. Coccia, M. Avesani, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
Preprint available online: [2309.12286] (Sep. 2023) - The Tree of Light as interstellar optical transmitter system
E. Bazzani, A. V. Guglielmi, R. Corvaja, N. Laurenti, F. Romanato, G. Ruffato, A. Vogliardi, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, L. Vangelista, P. Villoresi
Preprint available online: [2308.01900] (Aug. 2023) - High-speed Source-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generator on a chip
T. Bertapelle, M. Avesani, A. Santamato, A. Montanaro, M. Chiesa, D. Rotta, M. Artiglia, V. Sorianello, F. Testa, G. De Angelis, G. Contestabile, G. Vallone, M. Romagnoli, P. Villoresi
Preprint available online: [2305.12472] (May 2023) - Certification of genuine time-bin and energy-time entanglement with integrated photonics
F. B. L. Santagiustina, C. Agnesi, A. Alarcón, A. Cabello, G. B. Xavier, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
Preprint available online: [2302.06522] (Feb. 2023)
Journal papers
- High-speed Source-Device-Independent Quantum Random Number Generator on a chip
T. Bertapelle, M. Avesani, A. Santamato, A. Montanaro, M. Chiesa, D. Rotta, M. Artiglia, V. Sorianello, F. Testa, G. De Angelis, G. Contestabile, G. Vallone, M. Romagnoli, P. Villoresi
Optica Quantum 3, 111 (2025). Preprint available on [arXiv:2305.12472]. - Low-error encoder for time-bin and decoy states for quantum key distribution
D. Scalcon, E. Bazzani, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, M. Avesani
npj Quantum Information 11, 22 (2025). Preprint available on [arXiv:2311.02059]. - Intermodal quantum key distribution field trial with active switching between fiber and free-space channels
F. Picciariello, I. Karakosta-Amarantidou, E. Rossi, M. Avesani, G. Foletto, L. Calderaro,G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, F. Vedovato
EPJ Quantum Technology 12, 6 (2025). Preprint available on [arXiv:2310.17441]. - High directional optical transmitter with phased array of nanoptical emitters and efficient error correction for long distance space communications
E. Bazzani, A. V. Guglielmi, R. Corvaja, N. Laurenti, F. Romanato, G. Ruffato, A. Vogliardi, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, L. Vangelista, P. Villoresi
Physical Review Research 6, 043266 (2024). Preprint available on [arXiv:2308.01900] - Secure and robust randomness with sequential quantum measurements
M. Padovan, G. Foletto, L. Coccia, M. Avesani, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
npj Quantum Information 10, 94 (2024). Preprint available on [arXiv:2309.12286]. - In-Field Comparison between G.652 and G.655 Optical Fibers for Polarization-Based Quantum Key Distribution
C. Agnesi, M. Giacomin, D. Sartorato, S. Artuso, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
IET Quantum Communication 5, 567 (2024). Preprint available on [arXiv:2312.04203]. - Hong-Ou-Mandel interference of single-photon-level pulses stored in independent room-temperature quantum memories,
E. Figueroa, S. Gera, C. Wallace, M. Flament, A. Scriminich, M. Namazi, Y. Kim, S. Sagona-Stophel, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
npj Quantum Information 10, 10 (2024). Preprint available on [arXiv:1808.07015]. - Quantum-secured time transfer between precise timing facilities: a field trial with simulated satellite links,
F. Picciariello, F. Vedovato, D. Orsucci, P. N. Dominguez, T. Zechel, M. Avesani, M. Padovan, G. Foletto, L. Calderaro, D. Dequal, A. Shrestha, L. Blumel, J. Furthner, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, T. D. Schmidt, F. Moll
GPS solutions 28, 48 (2024). Preprint available on [arXiv:2305.01554]. - Optimizing measurements sequences for quantum state verification,
W. Liang, F. Ticozzi, G. Vallone
Quantum Information Processing 22, 419 (2023). Preprint available on [arXiv:1811.04835]. - Proposal for an optical interferometric measurement of the gravitational redshift with satellite systems,
D. R. Terno, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, A. R. H. Smith, P. Magnani, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Physical Review D 108, 084063 (2023). Preprint available on [arXiv:1811.04835]. - Synchronization of quantum communication over an optical classical communication channel
F. Berra, C. Agnesi, A. Stanco, M. Avesani, M. Kuklewski, D. Matter, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
Applied Optics 62, 7994 (2023). Preprint available on [arXiv:2306.17603]. - Modular source for near-infrared quantum communication
F. Berra, C. Agnesi, A. Stanco, M. Avesani, S. Cocchi, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
EPJ Quantum Technology 10, 27 (2023). - Optimal focusing conditions for bright SPDC sources
L. Coccia, A. Santamato, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. A 107, 063712 (2023). - Fully Integrated Silicon Photonic Erbium-Doped Nanodiode for Few Photon Emission at Telecom Wavelengths,
G. Tavani, C. Barri, E. Mafakheri, G. Franzò, M. Celebrano, M. Castriotta, M. Di Giancamillo, G. Ferrari, F. Picciariello, G. Foletto, C. Agnesi, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, V. Sorianello, D. Rotta, M. Finazzi, M. Bollani, E. Prati
Materials 16, 2344 (2023). - Unbounded randomness from uncharacterized sources,
M. Avesani, H. Tebyanian, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone,
Commun. Phys. 5, 273 (2022). Preprint available on [arXiv:2010.05798]. - Cross-encoded quantum key distribution exploiting time-bin and polarization states with qubit-based synchronization,
D. Scalcon, C. Agnesi, M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, G. Foletto, A. Stanco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Adv. Quantum Tech 2200051 (2022). Preprint available on [arXiv:2111.13383]. - The Deep Space Quantum Link: Prospective Fundamental Physics Experiments using Long-Baseline Quantum Optics,
M. Mohageg, L. Mazzarella, D. V. Strekalov, N. Yu, A. Zhai, S. Johnson, C. Anastopoulos, J. Gallicchio, B. L. Hu, T. Jennewein, S.-Y. Lin, A. Ling, C. Marquardt, M. Meister, A. Roura, L. Wörner, W. P. Schleich, R. Newell, C. Schubert, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, P. Kwiat,
EPJ Quantum Tech 9,25 (2022). Preprint available on [arXiv:2111.15591]. - Optimal design and performance evaluation of free-space Quantum Key Distribution systems,
A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, F. Picciariello, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, F. Vedovato,
Quantum Science and Technology 7, 045029 (2022). Preprint available on [arXiv:2109.13886]. (Sep. 2021) - Versatile and concurrent FPGA-based architecture for practical quantum communication systems,
A. Stanco, F. B. L. Santagiustina, L., M. Avesani, T. Bertapelle, D. Dequal, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
IEEE Trans. Quantum Eng., 3, 1-8 (2022). Preprint available online: [2107.01857] (July 2021) - Security bounds for decoy-state QKD with arbitrary photon-number statistics,
G. Foletto, F. Picciariello, C. Agnesi, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Phys. Rev. A 105, 012603 (2022). Preprint available online: [2109.13830] (Sep. 2021) - Deployment-ready quantum key distribution over a classical network infrastructure in Padua,
M. Avesani, G. Foletto, M. Padovan, L. Calderaro, C. Agnesi, E. Bazzani, F. Berra, T. Bertapelle, F. Picciariello, F. B.L. Santagiustina, D. Scalcon, A. Scriminich, A. Stanco, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
J. Light. Technol. 40 (6), 1658 – 1663 (2022). Preprint available online: [2109.13558] (Sep. 2021) - Semi-device independent randomness from d-outcome continuous-variable detection,
H. Tebyanian, M. Avesani, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062424 (2021). Preprint available online: [2009.08897] (Sep. 2020) - Advances in Space Quantum Communications,
Jasminder S. Sidhu et al.
IET Quant. Comm. 1– 36 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2103.12749] - Resource-effective Quantum Key Distribution: a field-trial in Padua city center,
M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, G. Foletto, C. Agnesi, F. Picciariello, F. Santagiustina, A. Scriminich, A. Stanco, F. Vedovato, M. Zahidy, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Opt. Lett. 46, 2848-2851 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2012.08457] - Quantum Technologies in Space,
R. Kaltenbaek et al.
Exp. Astron. (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2107.01387] - Full daylight quantum-key-distribution at 1550 nm enabled by integrated silicon photonics,
M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, G. Contestabile, M. Chiesa, D. Rotta, M. Artiglia, A. Montanaro, M. Romagnoli, V. Sorianello, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
npj Quantum Inf 7, 93 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:1907.10039] - Practical Semi-Device Independent Randomness Generation Based on Quantum State’s Indistinguishability,
H. Tebyanian, M. Zahidy, M. Avesani, A. Stanco, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 045026 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2104.11137] - Experimental Test of Sequential Weak Measurements for Certified Quantum Randomness Extraction,
G. Foletto, M. Padovan, M. Avesani, H. Tebyanian, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Phys. Rev. A 103, 062206 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2101.12074] - Semi-Device-Independent Heterodyne-based Quantum Random Number Generator,
M. Avesani, H. Tebyanian, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034034 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2004.08344] - Feasibility of satellite-to-ground continuous-variable quantum key distribution,
D. Dequal, L. T. Vidarte, V. R. Rodriguez, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, A. Leverrier, and E. Diamanti
npj Quantum Inf 7, 3 (2021). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2002.02002] - Experimental Demonstration of Sequential Quantum Random Access Codes,
G. Foletto, L. Calderaro, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033205 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2001.04885] - Fast self-testing Quantum Random Number Generator based on homodyne detection,
D. Rusca, H. Tebyanian, A. Martin, H. Zbinden
Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 264004 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2004.08307] (April 2020) - Stable, low-error and calibration-free polarization encoder for free-space quantum communication,
M. Avesani, C. Agnesi, A. Stanco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Opt. Lett. 45, 4706-4709 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:2004.11877] - Fast and simple qubit-based synchronization for quantum key distribution,
L. Calderaro, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, M. Avesani, D. Dequal, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 054041 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:1909.12050] - Experimental Certification of Sustained Entanglement and Nonlocality after Sequential Measurements,
G. Foletto, L. Calderaro, A. Tavakoli, M. Schiavon, F. Picciariello, A. Cabello, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 044008 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:1906.07412] - Advances in Quantum Cryptography,
S. Pirandola, U. L. Andersen, L. Banchi, M. Berta, D. Bunandar, R. Colbeck, D. Englund, T. Gehring, C. Lupo, C. Ottaviani, J. Pereira, M. Razavi, J. S. Shaari, M. Tomamichel, V. C. Usenko, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, and P. Wallden
Adv. Opt. Photon. 12, 1012-1236 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:1906.01645] - Efficient random number generation techniques for CMOS SPAD array based devices,
A. Stanco, D. G. Marangon, G. Vallone, S. Burri, E. Charbon, and P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023287 (2020). Preprint available online: [arXiv:1910.05232] - Large-scale optical interferometry in general spacetimes,
D. R. Terno, G. Vallone, F. Vedovato, and P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. D 101, 104052 (2020). Preprint available on: [arXiv:1911.05156] - Simple Quantum Key Distribution with qubit-based synchronization and a self-compensating polarization encoder,
C. Agnesi*, M. Avesani*, L. Calderaro*, A. Stanco, G. Foletto, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, F. Vedovato, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
Optica 7(4), 284-290 (2020). Preprint available on [arXiv:1909.12703]. - LaserCube optical communication terminal for nano and micro satellites,
F. Sansone, A. Francesconi, R. Corvaja, G. Vallone, R. Antonello, F. Branz, and P. Villoresi
Acta Astronautica 173, 310 (2020). - All-fiber self-compensating polarization encoder for quantum key distribution,
C. Agnesi *,M. Avesani*, A. Stanco, P. Villoresi, and G. Vallone
Opt. Lett. 44, 2398-2401 (2019). Preprint available on [arXiv:1903.00696]. - Sub-ns timing accuracy for satellite quantum communications,
C. Agnesi, L. Calderaro, D. Dequal, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, A. Santamato, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSAB) 36, B59 (2019). - Real-Time Source Independent Quantum Random Number Generator with Squeezed States,
T. Michel, J. Y. Haw, D. G. Marangon, O. Thearle, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, P. K. Lam, and S. M. Assad,
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034017 (2019). Preprint available on [arXiv:1903.01071]. - Hong–Ou–Mandel interference between independent III–V on silicon waveguide integrated lasers,
C. Agnesi, B. Da Lio, D. Cozzolino, L. Cardi, B. Ben Bakir, K. Hassan, A. Della Frera, A. Ruggeri, A. Giudice, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, A. Tosi, K. Rottwitt, Y. Ding, and D. Bacco,
Opt. Lett. 44, 271-274 (2019). - SAGE: A Proposal for a Space Atomic Gravity Explorer,
G. M. Tino et al.
Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 228 (2019). Preprint available on [arXiv:1907.03867]. - Towards Quantum Communication from Global Navigation Satellite System,
L. Calderaro, C. Agnesi, D. Dequal, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, A. Santamato, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Quantum Science and Technology 4, 015012 (2019). Preprint available on [arXiv:1804.05022]. - Source-device-independent heterodyne-based quantum random number generator at 17 Gbps,
M. Avesani, D. G. Marangon, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Nature Communications 9, 5365 (2018). Preprint available on [arXiv:1801.04139]. - Direct reconstruction of the quantum density matrix by strong measurements,
L. Calderaro, G. Foletto, D. Dequal, P. Villoresi, G. Vallone,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 230501 (2018). Preprint available on [arXiv:1803.10703]. - Postselection-loophole-free Bell violation with genuine time-bin entanglement,
F. Vedovato, C. Agnesi, M. Tomasin, M. Avesani, J.-Å. Larsson, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 190401 (2018). Preprint available on [arXiv:1804.10150]. - Generation of mutually unbiased bases for 4D-QKD with structured photons via LNOI photonic wire,
S. F. Mousavi, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, R. Nouroozi,
Journal of Optics 20, 095802 (2018). - Exploring the boundaries of quantum mechanics: advances in satellite quantum communications,
C. Agnesi, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, D. Dequal, L. Calderaro, M. Tomasin, D. G Marangon, A. Stanco, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 376,2123 (2018) . - Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity,
S. Koduru Joshi, J. Pienaar, T. C Ralph, L. Cacciapuoti, W. McCutcheon, J. Rarity, D. Giggenbach, J. G. Lim, V. Makarov, I. Fuentes, T. Scheidl, E. Beckert, M. Bourennane, D. E. Bruschi, A. Cabello, J. Capmany, A. Carrasco-Casado, E. Diamanti, M. Dušek, D. Elser, A. Gulinatti, R. H Hadfield, T. Jennewein, R. Kaltenbaek, M. A Krainak, H.-K. Lo, C. Marquardt, G. Milburn, M. Peev, A. Poppe, V. Pruneri, R. Renner, C. Salomon, J. Skaar, N. Solomos, M. Stipčević, J. P Torres, M. Toyoshima, P. Villoresi, I. Walmsley, G. Weihs, H. Weinfurter, A. Zeilinger, M. Żukowski, R. Ursin
New Journal of Physics Volume 20, June 2018. - CubeSat quantum communications mission,
D. KL Oi, A. Ling, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, S. Greenland, E. Kerr, M Macdonald, H. Weinfurter, H. Kuiper, E. Charbon, R. Ursin
EPJ Quantum Technology (2017) 4: 6. . - Free space quantum communication with quantum memory,
M. Namazi, G. Vallone, B. Jordaan, C. Goham, R. Shahrokhshahi, P. Villoresi, E. Figueroa,
Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 064013 (2017). - Extending Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment to Space,
F. Vedovato, C. Agnesi, M. Schiavon, D. Dequal, L. Calderaro, M. Tomasin, D. G. Marangon, A. Stanco, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Science Advances 3, e1701180 (2017). - High-dimensional decoy-state quantum key distribution over 0.3 km of multicore telecommunication optical fibers,
G. Cañas, N. Vera, J. Cariñe, P. González, J. Cardenas, P. W. R. Connolly, A. Przysiezna, E. S. Gómez, M. Figueroa, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, T. Ferreira da Silva, G. B. Xavier, G. Lima,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022317 (2017). - Free space quantum communication with a portable quantum memory,
M. Namazi, G. Vallone, B. Jordaan, C. Goham, R. Shahrokhshahi, P. Villoresi, and E. Figueroa,
Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 064013 (2017). Preprint available on [arXiv:1609.08676]. - Integrated optical modulator manipulating the polarization and rotation handedness of Orbital Angular Momentum states,
S. F. Mousavi, R. Nouroozi, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Scientific Reports 7, 3835 (2017). - Three-observer Bell inequality violation on a two-qubit entangled state,
M. Schiavon, L. Calderaro, M. Pittaluga, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Quantum Science and Technology 2, 015010 (2017). - High-Visibility Time-Bin Entanglement for Testing Chained Bell Inequalities,
M. Tomasin, E. Mantoan, J. Jogenfors, G. Vallone, J.-Å. Larsson, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032107 (2017). - Role of beam waist in Laguerre-Gauss expansion of vortex beam,
G. Vallone,
Optics Letters 42, 1097 (2017). - Phase-noise limitations in continuous-variable quantum key distribution with homodyne detection,
Roberto Corvaja,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022315 (2017). - Source-device-independent Ultra-fast Quantum Random Number Generation,
D. G. Marangon, G. Vallone,P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 060503 (2017). Preprint available on [arXiv:1509.07390]. - Enhanced security for multi-detector Quantum Random Number Generators,
D. G. Marangon, G. Vallone, U. Zanforlin, P. Villoresi,
Quantum Sci. Technol. 1, 015005 (2016). Preprint available on [arXiv:1605.04808]. - General theorem on the divergence of vortex beams,
G. Vallone, G. Parisi, F. Spinello, E. Mari, F. Tamburini, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023802 (2016). - Experimental realization of equiangular three-state quantum key distribution,
M. Schiavon, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi
Scientific Reports 6, 30089 (2016). - Birth and evolution of an optical vortex,
G. Vallone, A. Sponselli, V. D’Ambrosio, L. Marrucci, F. Sciarrino, and P. Villoresi
Optics Express 24, 16390 (2016). - Interference at the single photon level along satellite-ground channels,
G. Vallone, D. Dequal, M. Tomasin, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, P. Villoresi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 253601 (2016). - Free-space optical channel estimation for physical layer security,
H. Endo, M. Fujiwara, M. Kitamura, T. Ito, M. Toyoshima, Y. Takayama, H. Takenaka, R. Shimizu, N. Laurenti, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi, T. Aoki, M. Sasaki,
Opt. Express 24, 8940 (2016). - Direct measurement of the quantum wavefunction by strong measurements,
G. Vallone, D. Dequal,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 040502 (2016). Preprint available on [arXiv:1504.06551]. - Heralded single photon sources for QKD applications,
M. Schiavon, G. Vallone, F. Ticozzi, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 93, 012331 (2016). Preprint available on [arXiv:1512.01020]. - Experimental single photon exchange along a space link of 7000 km,
D. Dequal, G. Vallone, D. Bacco, S. Gaiarin, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 93, 010301(R) (2016), Rapid Communications. Preprint available on [arXiv:1509.05692]. - A general theorem on the divergence of vortex beams,
G. Vallone, G. Parisi, F. Spinello, E. Mari, F. Tamburini, and P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023802 (2016). Preprint available on [arXiv:1601.02350]. - Experimental Satellite Quantum Communications,
G. Vallone, D. Bacco, D. Dequal, S. Gaiarin, V. Luceri, G. Bianco, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 040502 (2015). Preprint available on [arXiv:1406.4051]. - Adaptive Real Time Selection for Quantum Key Distribution in Lossy and Turbulent Free-Space Channels,
G. Vallone, D. Marangon, M. Canale, I. Savorgnan, D. Bacco, M. Barbieri, S. Calimani, C. Barbieri, N. Laurenti, P. Villoresi,
Phys. Rev. A 91, 042320 (2015). - On the properties of Circular-Beams,
G. Vallone,
Optics Letters 40, 1717 (2015). - Quantum randomness certified by the uncertainty principle,
Giuseppe Vallone, Davide G. Marangon, Marco Tomasin, and Paolo Villoresi,
Physical Review A 90, 052327 (2014). - Gaussian states and geometrically uniform symmetry,
Gianfranco Cariolaro, Roberto Corvaja, and Gianfranco Pierobon,
Physical Review A 90, 042309 (2014). - Free-space quantum key distribution by rotation-invariant twisted photons,
G. Vallone, V. D’Ambrosio, A. Sponselli, S. Slussarenko, L. Marrucci, F. Sciarrino, P. Villoresi,
Physical Review Letters 113, 060503 (2014). - Random bits, true and unbiased, from atmospheric turbulence,
D. G. Marangon, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Scientific Reports 4, 5490 (2014). - Loss tolerant device-independent quantum key distribution: a proof of principle,
G. Vallone, A. Dall’Arche, M. Tomasin, P. Villoresi,
New Journal of Physics 16, 063064 (2014).. - Minimal resources identifiability and estimation of quantum channels,
M. Zorzi, F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante,
Quantum Information Processing, 13(3):683-707, 2014. - Minimum Relative Entropy for Quantum Estimation: Feasibility and General Solution,
M. Zorzi, F. Ticozzi and A. Ferrante,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(1):357-367, 2014. - Steady-state entanglement by engineered quasi-local Markovian dissipation,
F. Ticozzi and L. Viola,
Quantum Information and Computation, 14(3-4), 0265-0294, 2014, [arXiv:1304.4270]. - Bell scenarios in which nonlocality and entanglement are inversely related,
G. Vallone, G. Lima, E.S. Gómez, G. Cañas, J.-A. Larsson, P. Mataloni, A. Cabello,
Physical Review A 89, 012102 (2014). - Experimental quantum key distribution with finite-key security analysis for noisy channels,
D. Bacco, M. Canale, N. Laurenti, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Nature Communications 4, 2363 (2013). - Asymmetric Architecture for Heralded Single Photon Sources,
L. Mazzarella, F. Ticozzi, A. V. Sergienko, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Physical Review A 88, 023848 (2013). - On the Geometry of Maximum Entropy Problems,
M. Pavon, and A. Ferrante,
SIAM Review. 55,415 (2013). - Comparison of error probability bounds in quantum state discrimination,
R. Corvaja,
Physical Review A 87, 042329 (2013). - Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering: Closing the detection loophole with non-maximally-entangled states and arbitrary low efficiency,
G. Vallone,
Physical Review A 87, 020101(R) (2013). - Optimization of Two-Photon Wavefunction in Parametric Down Conversion by Adaptive Optics Control of the Pump Radiation,
M. Minozzi, S. Bonora, A. V. Sergienko, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Optics Letters 38, 489 (2013). - Stabilization of Stochastic Quantum Dynamics via Open and Closed Loop Control,
F. Ticozzi, K. Nishio and C. Altafini,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58(1):74-85, 2013. - Bi-photon propagation control with optimized wavefront by means of Adaptive Optics ,
M. Minozzi, S. Bonora, A. V. Sergienko, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi,
Opt. Lett. 38, 489 (2013). - Impact of Turbulence in Long Range Quantum and Classical Communications,
I. Capraro, A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, F. Gerlin, R. Ursin, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Physical Review Letters 109, 200502 (2012). - Stabilizing entangled states with quasi-local dynamical semigroups,
F. Ticozzi and L. Viola,
Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society A, 370(1978), 5259-5269, 2012 . - Device-independent entanglement-based Bennett 1992 protocol,
M. Lucamarini, G. Vallone, I. Gianani, G. Di Giuseppe, P. Mataloni,
Phys. Rev. A 86, 032325 (2012). - Hamiltonian Control of Quantum Dynamical Semigroups: Stabilization and Convergence Speed,
F. Ticozzi, R. Lucchese, P. Cappellaro, and L. Viola,
IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, 57(8): 1931-1944, 2012. !– [arXiv:1101.2452] –> - Modeling and Control of Quantum Systems: An Introduction,
C. Altafini and F. Ticozzi,
IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, 57(8):1898-1917, 2012. - Experimental Realization of Optimal Noise Estimation for a General Pauli Channel,
A.Chiuri, V. Rosati, G. Vallone, S. Pádua, H. Imai, S. Giacomini, C. Macchiavello, P. Mataloni,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 253602 (2011). - Discrete-Time Controllability for Feedback Quantum Dynamics,
F. Albertini, F. Ticozzi,
Automatica, 47(11): 2451-2456, 2011. - Revisiting the Dolinar Receiver through Multiple-copy State Discrimination Theory,
A. Assalini, N. Dalla Pozza, G. Pierobon,
Physics Review A, 84(2): 022342, 2011. - Matrix Completion à la Dempster by the Principle of Parsimony,
A. Ferrante e M. Pavon,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(6): 3925-3931, 2011. - Numerical Evaluation of PPM for Deep-space Links,
A. Waseda, M. Sasaki, M. Takeoka, M. Fujiwara, M. Toyoshima, A. Assalini,
IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), 3(6): 514-521, 2011. - On the convergence of an efficient algorithm for Kullback-Leibler approximation of spectral densities,
A. Ferrante, F. Ramponi, F. Ticozzi,
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 56(3): 506-515, 2011. - Link budget and background noise for satellite quantum key distribution,
A. Tomaello, C. Bonato, V. Da Deppo, G. Naletto, P. Villoresi,
Advances in Space Research 47(5): 802-810, 2011. - Engineering Stable Discrete-Time Quantum Dynamics via a Canonical QR Decomposition,
S. Bolognani, F. Ticozzi,
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 55(12): 2721-2734, 2010. - Stabilizing Generic Quantum States with Markovian Dynamical Semigroups,
F. Ticozzi, S. G. Schirmer, X. Wang,
IEEE Transaction of Automatic Control 55(12): 2901-2905, 2010. - On Time-reversal and space-time harmonic processes for Markovian quantum channels,
F. Ticozzi and M. Pavon,
Quantum Information Processing, 9, 551 (2010). - Phase Control of a Path-entangled Photon State by a Deformable Membrane Mirror,
C. Bonato, S. Bonora, A. Chiuri, P. Mataloni, G. Milani, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
Journal of the Optical Sociaty of America B (JOSA B), 27(6): A175-A180, 2010. - Discrete-time classical and quantum Markovian evolutions: Maximum entropy on path space for classical and quantum Markov processes,
M. Pavon and F. Ticozzi,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 042104, (2010). - Theory of Quantum Pulse Position Modulation and Related Numerical Problems,
G. Cariolaro and G. Pierobon,
IEEE Transaction on Commun., 58(4): 1213-1222, 2010. - Quantum Information Encoding, Protection, and Correction from Trace-Norm Isometries,
F. Ticozzi, L. Viola,
Physical Review A, 81(3): 032313, 2010. - Performance of Quantum Data Transmission Systems in the Presence of Thermal Noise,
G. Cariolaro, G. Pierobon,
IEEE Transaction on Commun., 58(2): 623-630, 2010. - Efficient optimal minimum error discrimination of symmetric quantum states,
Antonio Assalini, Gianfranco Cariolaro, Gianfranco Pierobon,
Physics Review A, 81(1): 012315, 2010.
- Quantum satellites and tests of relativity,
P. Magnani, M. Schiavon, A. R. H. Smith, D. R. Terno, G. Vallone, F. Vedovato, P. Villoresi, and S. Vinjanampathy
Preprint available online: [arXiv:1906.04415] (Jun. 2019) - Proposal for an Optical Test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle,
D. R. Terno, F. Vedovato, M. Schiavon, A. R. H. Smith, P. Magnani, G. Vallone, and P. Villoresi
Preprint available online: [arXiv:1811.04835] (Nov. 2018) - Reply to “Comment on ‘Strong Measurements Give a Better Direct Measurement of the Quantum Wave Function’ “
G. Vallone, D. Dequal
Preprint available online: [1711.02055] (Nov. 2017) - From Consensus to Robust Randomized Algorithms: A Symmetrization Approach,
L. Mazzarella, A. Sarlette, F. Ticozzi,
Preprint available online: [arXiv:1311.3364] - Optimal Binary Codes and Measurements for Classical Communication over Qubit Channels,
N. Dalla Pozza, N. Laurenti, F. Ticozzi,
Preprint available online: [arXiv:1304.0014] - Consensus for Quantum Networks: From Symmetry to Gossip Iterations,
L. Mazzarella, A. Sarlette, F. Ticozzi,
Preprint available online: [arXiv:1303.4077]
- Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking,
A. Sergienko, S. Pascazio, P. Villoresi (Eds.)
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2010, Volume 36 Springer; 1st Edition. 2010
ISBN-10: 3642117309
Book chapters
- Chapter 6 – Generation and Applications of n-Qubit Hyperentangled Photon States,
G. Vallone, P. Mataloni,
Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 60, 291-314 (2011). - Study of the Quantum Channel between Earth and Space for Satellite,
Cristian Bonato, Andrea Tomaello, Vania Da Deppo, Giampiero Naletto, Paolo Villoresi,
Quantum Communications Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 1, Volume 15, Personal Satellite Services, Pages 37-40. - Feasibility Analysis for Quantum Key Distribution between a LEO Satellite and Earth,
C. Bonato, A. Tomaello, V. Da Deppo, G. Naletto, P. Villoresi,
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 1, Volume 36, Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking, Part 1, Part 5, Pages 96-99. - On the Polarization Analysis of Optical Beams for Use in Quantum Communications between Earth and Space,
Alberto Dall’Arche, Andrea Tomaello, Cristian Bonato, Paolo Villoresi,
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 1, Volume 43, Personal Satellite Services, Part 6, Pages 291-296.
Conference Papers
- A New Perspective on Gossip Iterations: from Symmetrization to Quantum Consensus,
L. Mazzarella, A. Sarlette, F. Ticozzi,
To appear in the 52st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 2013.
Available here - Minimal Resources for the Estimation of Trace-Preserving Quan- tum Channels,
M. Zorzi, F. Ticozzi, A. Ferrante,
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 1674–1679, 2012.
Available here - Environment-Assisted and Feedback-Assisted Stabilization of Quantum Stochastic Evolutions,
F. Ticozzi, K. Nishio and C. Altafini,
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 3620–3625, 2012.
Available here - Quantum State Preparation by Controlled Dissipation in Finite Time: From Classical to Quantum Controllers,
G. Baggio, F. Ticozzi and L. Viola,
51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control proceedings, 1072–1077, 2012.
Available here - On the Role of Hamiltonians for Dissipative Entanglement Engineering,
F. Ticozzi and L. Viola,
IV IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control proceedings, Volme 4, Part 1, 220–225, 2012.
Available here - Schroedinger Bridges for Discrete-Time, Classical and Quantum Markovian Evolutions,
M. Pavon, F. Ticozzi,
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, July, 2010.
Available at: - On a Canonical QR Decomposition and Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Quantum Dynamics,
S. Bolognani, F. Ticozzi,
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems, July, 2010.
Available at: - Pure state stabilization with discrete-time quantum feedback March 2010,
S. Bolognani, F. Ticozzi,
Invited paper, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP2010). - On Differential PPM (DPPM) with direct detection in the quantum optical channel,
A. Assalini, G. Cariolaro, R. Corvaja, N. Dalla Pozza, G. Pierobon,
Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communications (UQCC’10), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2010. - Error Performance Limit of Binary Quantum Communications over a Turbulent Medium,
R. Corvaja, A. Assalini,
3rd Internation Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL’10) – Special Session on Quantum Communication and Quantum Key Distribution (invited paper), Rome, Italy, Nov. 2010. - On the polarization analysis of Optical Beams for use in Quantum Communications between Earth and Space,
A. Dall’Arche, A. Tomaello, C. Bonato, P. Villoresi,
International ICST Conference on Personal Satellite Services, (PSATS2010), Roma. - Feasibility analysis for quantum key distribution between a LEO satellite and Earth (Invited Talk),
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, S. Vedemmiati, I. Capraro, V. Da Deppo, C. Bonato, G. Naletto, P. Villoresi,
International ICST Conference on Personal Satellite Services, (PSATS2010), Roma.
AFCEA Workshpo on Criptography 2010, Roma. - Studies on QKD along a Space channel from a LEO satellite,
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, S. Vedemmiati, I. Capraro, V. Da Deppo, C. Bonato, G. Naletto, P.Villoresi,
Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution 2010 Waterloo, Canada 2010. - Adaptive Wavefront Stabilization in Free-Space Quantum Links,
I. Capraro, A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, S. Bonora, P. Villoresi,
The Tenth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC2010), Brisbane, Australia. - On the measure of the Mueller matrix of a Space Quantum Channel,
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, C. Bonato, P Villoresi,
The Tenth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC2010), Brisbane, Australia. - Phase control of a path-entangled photon state by a deformable membrane mirror (Invited tallk),
C. Bonato, S. Bonora, A. Chiuri, P. Mataloni, G. Milani, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
The Tenth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computation (QCMC2010), Brisbane, Australia. - Modeling the Entanglement-Based Quantum-Key-Distribution between an Orbiting Terminal and a Ground Network (Invited Talk),
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, C. Bonato, P. Villoresi,
3rd Internation Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL’10) – Special Session on Quantum Communication and Quantum Key Distribution, Rome, Italy, Nov. 2010. - Computing and controlling the convergence speed of a quantum dynamical semigroup,
R. Lucchese, F. Ticozzi,
IEEE CDC 2010 conference proceedings, 3022-3027, Dec. 2010. - Semi-blind Key Agreement over MIMO Quasi-static Channels,
F. Renna, M. Bloch, N. Laurenti,
Joint Newcom++/COST 2100 workshop, Paris, Feb. 2011. - Protocolli di comunicazione e network layer per l’utilizzo delle chiavi crittografiche quantistiche,
N. Laurenti, M. Canale,
Workshop Crittografia Quantisica per comunicazioni sicure a lunga distanza, Roma, Mar. 2011. - Numerical Evaluation of Coherent Signals for Deep-space Links,
A. Waseda, M. Sasaki, M. Takeoka, M. Fujiwara, M. Toyoshima, A. Assalini,
IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS’11), Santa Monica, CA, USA, 11-13 May, 2011. - Semi-blind Key Agreement over MIMO Fading Channels,
F. Renna, M. Bloch, N. Laurenti,
IEEE Int. Conf. Communications, ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011. - The Space as Frontier for Global Quantum Communications,
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, I. Capraro, G. Naletto, P. Villoresi,
Information Photonics 2011,Ottawa, Canada. - Quantum Communications in Free-Space (Invited talk),
P. Villoresi,
Fourth Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, Vietri 2011. - On the effect of turbulence in long-distance Quantum Communications,
I. Capraro, F. Gerlin, A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, P. Villoresi,
Quantum Science and Technologies, Rovereto 2011. - Le basi teoriche della crittografia quantistica e sue caratteristiche di inviolabilità (Invited talk),
P. Villoresi,
Workshop SpaceAcademy – Space QKD – Roma 2011. - L’introduzione della crittografia quantistica nei collegamenti spaziali: necessità di validazione sperimentale (Invited talk),
P. Villoresi,
Workshop SpaceAcademy – Space QKD – Roma 2011. - Intersatellite quantum communication feasibility study,
A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, G. Naletto, P. Villoresi,
SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging IX Conference 2011. - Long-range beam propagation for single-photon communications,
I. Capraro, A. Tomaello, A. Dall’Arche, P. Villoresi,
SPIE Atmospheric, 2011. - QKD secrecy for privacy amplification matrices with selective individual attacks,
M. Canale, F. Renna, N. Laurenti,
QCrypt 2011, Zurich. - Performance analysis of a low-cost, low-complexity, free-space QKD scheme based on the B92 protocol,
M. Canale, D. Bacco, S. Calimani, F. Renna, N. Laurenti, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
QCrypt 2011, Zurich. - A prototype of a free-space QKD scheme based on the B92 protocol,
M. Canale, D. Bacco, S. Calimani, F. Renna, N. Laurenti, G. Vallone, P. Villoresi,
International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, ISABEL, Barcelona, 2011.